Playing with betta fish.
Anyone can easily play with koi betta fish. Bettas are one of the most beautiful and popular pet fish in the world. Many owners feel the same about their betta for their cats, parakeets, dogs, or hamsters. Bettas fishes, on the other hand, are brilliant. They can easily sense the danger around them and hide in the best possible place. Some thought these creatures were closely related to the cichlids, the evolutionary tree, a unique and intelligent fish breed. Just like humans, bettas are also well aware of their surroundings. They calmly explore the environment, personal spaces, or areas and often produce the most amusing sound of their personality and quirks. They are analyzing everything for the first couple of days. When their place of stay changes, they quickly adjust to it. Teaching them tricks When fish are not active or have nothing to play with, they get bored and inactive. They do not swim around freely; they only swim when needed. And also, their lifespan red...